About me

Hello! My name is Joy and I am a COAPE Certified Canine Behaviourist (CCCB),with a diploma in Canine Behaviour (passed with distinction) and numerous dog training courses led by leaders within the field. I currently offer private sessions where I support and guide you to overcome the issues you are having with your dog or help you set things up right to secure your dog-owning dreams.

I believe the best approach is to work with the dog, meaning we go at his pace, using games and activities which motivate and engage him. It’s a lot of fun and when you notice his mood lifting and behaviour improving, it feels amazing! 

Drawing on a successful career in education and professional training, I will mentor you with the goal of empowering you to become your dog’s best advocate and friend.

Dog-centred Training

Science has shown us that the emotional systems within the brain are remarkably similar across all mammals. Knowing this can help us empathise with our dogs.

Emotions drive behaviour to fulfil a function. If we can change the emotions the function can be met with more appropriate behaviour – and the dog will feel safer and learn to trust you, building your relationship. For example, if a dog is pulling on their lead, they may be feeling afraid of or overwhelmed by the environment. Or maybe they are over-excited. Or maybe they are stressed because they are in pain. Knowing why they are behaving as they are, allows us to provide support, addressing the issue productively.

Viewing behaviour as information, without labels or judgements, allows us to observe it with curiosity rather than narrow expectations which often lead to frustration. We move away from a task-orientated focus to a relationship-orientated focus, identifying what is intrinsically valuable to the dog. It is an approach that recognises that much of the behaviour we don’t want is driven by emotions which are aversive for the dog so the decision to resolve them is driven by a desire to show our canine companions compassion, rather than just improving our own experience. It is a mindset which incorporates empathy and this builds connection.

Obedience is not the only end goal.

This approach does, however, require us to slow things down, listen to the dog through careful observations and go at their pace, using techniques, games and activities which motivate and engage them, helping them to feel safe.

While many of the tools I use align with the positive reinforcement approach developed over the last couple of decades, the mindset underlying them is a little different as I believe it is right to start with the dog and their needs, rather than our agenda. By following this sequence, we promote the learning that we want while maintaining (or building) a secure attachment with our dogs.

Why choose me?

  • Cutting-edge science-informed approach with proven positive results
  • Bespoke action plans designed to fit your life and needs
  • Non-judgmental, supportive mindset
  • A commitment to put the joy back into dog ownership!